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New Development About The Vinyl Skid Seat

There may be days when no matter what you do you are unable to stop the patient from sliding down and maybe out of his chair. If that happens try this...

  1. If the suede surface gets worn into a napped direction – the fuzzy feeling running in one direction, usually from back to front from the patient sliding on the surface – the seat can be reversed front to back. On the suede vinyl instead of the tether being sewn in place, snaps have been added to make the tether movable from the back to front edge as needed.
  2. If reversing the seat does not help, try flipping the entire seat over so the non-slip dots are on top and the suede down against the cushion. When the patient returns to a less active mode, you may return the vinyl seat to its original position.

An additional non-slip adaption is being developed for use with the vinyl seat when needed. Watch for developments.